International Exam (IELTS)  


Make sure your read and have the syllabus available to develop all uggested activities.
International Exam 2015-II ok.docx
Documento Microsoft Word 105.1 KB


About the CEFR and Examinations


Objective: Getting familiar with CEFR objectives, language levels and skills. 

1. What is CEFR? 

2. What are CEFR levels? 

3. Who did create the CEFR? 

4. Explore the CEFR document. Design a conceptual map about the main elements od the Common European Framework. Find the document below. 

5. What is an international exam?

6. Write a report about existing English International Exams

7. What is the relationship between CEFR and International Examinations? 

See the video and Exam List here

CEFR Document
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.2 MB


Find resources to study for the test below:


IELTS British Council

Take IELTS British Council




Objective: Understanding CBI principles and its relationship with IELTS Academic.


1. Read the presentation attached below. Write notes and answer the questions. Upload the document with your answers in a folder you will create over PBWorks, as soon as you receive an invitation by your teacher. 


a) Have you learned English by Content Based Instruction? 

b) Why do you think this type of instruction is important when it comes to IELTS? 

c) What is IELTS Test? What sessions does it have?  

d) What skills does IELTS evaluate in each session?


Useful Links:  

1. Vídeo "IELTS in short" (find it below)

2. IELTS "25th Anniversary" (find it below) 

3. Information on IELTS Test for Test takers... click here

4. Scroll up and find the title GET READY FOR IELTS TEST 



1. Read about IELTS Listening session. Check your syllabus. 

2. Select a podcast on an academic topic over BBC Radio 4. Be ready to report to the class. Write a list of vocabulary associated to the podcast topic. To report on the Podcast you select, use the given form. You can find that form over PB Works on Teacher's folder. 

Content Based Instruction Presentation
Presentación Microsoft Power Point 6.3 MB


Scientific Research Reading Sample
Please, print this document for the class on August 6th, 2015. You'll need them during the class. Thanks!
Reading Sample for students.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.2 MB

August 13th, 2015

Understanding IELTS_Free Online Course 

Improve your English and prepare for tests, such as IELTS reading, writing, speaking and listening, with this free online course. Click here.

Labelling Places on maps_Listening Session

IELTS Reading

IELTS Speaking 

Good morning everyone,

Today we'll start working on the tasks for the speaking section. Please watch the videos for each of the 3 tasks and...

1. Write a summary of the things the candidate has to do in each part. 

2. Together with your partner, prepare the 3 interviews and make a video recording task 2. Look for possible tasks in part 2 (TOPIC CARD) by clicking here... scroll down and select one of them, so you can record your video. One person will be the interviewer, the other the interviewee.    

3) Send the link for the teacher to check your video.

Deadline: November 1st. 

IELTS Speaking Task 1 - Sample

IELTS Speaking Task 2 - Explanation

IELTS Speaking Task 2 - Sample

IELTS Speaking Task 3  - Explanation 

IELTS Speaking Task 3 - Sample

speaking Self-Assessment Activity 

1. Go to the link and open you video for self-assessment. 

2. Visit the link with the Assessment Grid and self-evaluate your speaking activity. 

IELTS Writing 



It is suggested that candidates spend about 20 minutes on Task 1, which requires them to write at least 150 words, and 40 minutes on Task 2 writing 250 words. The assessment of Task 2 carries more weight in marking than Task 1. 


In Task 1 candidates are are asked to look at a diagram or table and to present the information in their own words. They are assessed on their ability to organize, present and possibly compare data, describe the stages of a process, describe and object or event, explain how something works. 

See an example here


In Task 2, candidates are presented with a point of view, argument or problem. They are assessed on their ability to present a solution to the problem, present and justify and opinion, compare and contrast evidence and opinions, evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or arguments.

Candidates are also judged on their ability to write in an appropriate style.

IELTS Writing Descriptors

Task1: Click here to find the descriptors.

Task 2: Click here to find the descriptors. 

Tips for writing Task 1

Writing Task 2: Writing the introduction for the essay

Writing Task 2: Giving opinions in an essay 

Writing Task 2: Giving examples in an essay

Writing Task 2: Academic expressions 

Writing Task 2: Connecting sentences 

Writing Task 2: Conclusion for the essay