Language Acquisition (LA)

Class Syllabus
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Books on LA

Understanding Second Language Acquisition
BOOK understanding-second-language-acqui
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.7 MB
Alternative Approaches to SLA
Alternative Approaches to Second Languag
Documento Adobe Acrobat 998.7 KB

Many interrelated factors influence the success of language acquisition and learning. The reason to take this course is that teachers should base their classroom management practices and pedagogical techniques on several theories rather than a single theory. Language Acquisition theories provide insights into the complex process involved in language acquisition. This course is framed in the field of Psycholinguistics  

Main Theories Summary


Glossary of Second Language Acquisition


Study the vocabulary related with language acquisition in the link above. 

Language Acquisition Book Review_Article
understanding language acquisition_book
Documento Adobe Acrobat 52.8 KB

Topic 1: Language Development

Is the age important?

L1 & L2 Differences and Similarities

Topic 2: The Theories

Language Acquisition Theories_Draft
Documento Adobe Acrobat 312.8 KB

T1: Behaviorism

- Behaviour Vs. Punishment

- Substitution drilling

- Repetition and imitation 

- Blank slate

T2: Innatist / Nativist (LAD)

- Cognitive function is used to acquire language

- Two schools: Chomsky and Krashen (Input Hypothesis) 

- Using mental strategies  

- Language acquistion Device (LAD)


Chomsky: Universal Grammar

Krashen: Input Hypothesis

T3: Interactionist


- Authors: Piaget & Brunner

- Everybody buids knowledge in an unique way 

- Incorporating new knowledge into the existing 

- Creating and testing hypothesis continually

- Opportunities are necessary to create new knowledge


- Maslow's hierarchy

- Human needs and whole individual

- Creating a safe environment

- Holism and affective side

Sociocultural Approach

- The context affects the individual

- Scaffolding (teachers, peers, parents)

- The zone of proximal development (Vigotsky) 

- Working in groups, discussing, negotiating

- Metacognition (verbalizaing actions)

- Problem solving, beyond the level of mastery, decision making, memory 

T4: Sociocognitive Approach

Topic 3: SLA Stages



Meaning & Form Negociation

Negative Feedback

Classroom Activities