LA Terminology

L1: Language 1, it is your first language, native language or mother tongue. You are native speaker of L1. This is the language we acquire during early childhood, commonly before the age of three. It is acquired in the process of growing up with people who speak the language.  (From Mohamad Normahira, in A review of Theoretical Perspectives on Language Learning and Acquisition, Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences


L2: Language 2, it is a second language, foreign language, target language. If you speak this languages, you are a non-native speaker. It has to do with the study of individuals of groups who are learning a language ensuing their L1 which they have learned as children and second, the process of learning that particular language. (From Mohamad Normahira, in A review of Theoretical Perspectives on Language Learning and Acquisition, Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences


SLA: Second Language Acquisition


FLL: Foreign Language Learning


FLL: First Language Learning